Sewing my interpretation of the nervous system
Acetate designs overlaying the piece of textiles above
Sketchbook designs
Sewing my interpretations of the
nervous system into aqua film
Sewing my interpretations of the
nervous system into aqua film - my favourite design
Creating surface texture and pattern that interprets
the nervous system within porcelain
Layering glass rods into nervous system structures
Using glass frit to create nervous system designs
Layering fused glass pieces over porcelain
for idea development and to visualise the designs
when overlaid onto the porcelain
Overlaying glass structures over porcelain
Overlaying glass structure over porcelain
Overlaying my textile design over porcelain
Using black and blue oxides splattering
them over the glass, adding copper shapes exploring different
surface pattern and texture
The glass pieces with the oxides when fused