Thursday 14 May 2015

Project 3


Sewing my interpretation of the nervous system
Acetate designs overlaying the piece of textiles above
 Sketchbook designs
 Sewing my interpretations of the
 nervous system into aqua film
Sewing my interpretations of the
 nervous system into aqua film - my favourite design
 Creating surface texture and pattern that interprets
 the nervous system within porcelain
Layering glass rods into nervous system structures
Using glass frit to create nervous system designs
Layering fused glass pieces over porcelain
for idea development and to visualise the designs
when overlaid onto the porcelain
Overlaying glass structures over porcelain
Overlaying glass structure over porcelain
Overlaying my textile design over porcelain
Using black and blue oxides splattering
them over the glass, adding copper shapes exploring different
surface pattern and texture
The glass pieces with the oxides when fused

Thursday 12 March 2015


Indigo Dyeing Experiments
Sample 1
Using tape to create shapes onto the fabric, then burnished to secure them to the fabric so when the fabric is in the dyeing process, the tape will not come off and let the ink seep through.  

Sample 2
Folding the piece of fabric into a pattern, then place into a clamp ready to start the  indigo dyeing process pat

Sample 3
Pleating the piece of fabric then place into a clamp ready to start the  indigo dyeing process 

Sample 4
Ripping and cutting different kinds of tape to create the same pattern on both sides of the fabric.
Burnished well before going into the dye to secure the tape onto the fabric.
Layering acetate design over sample 4 fabric creating a mix media effect

Digital Printing

My theme is looking into the Nervous System which I created images either inspired by research or from scanning in my own drawings and then digitally printed my chosen designs onto Habotai silk fabric.

Rust Printing

Using tape onto the rusted sheet of metal to resist the
 rust in that particular pattern created onto the fabric

Using rusted objects which are placed onto the fabric

After the fabric had been covered for a week, top image is where the
rusted objects were laid onto the fabric and the bottom image is
where the tape was applied to the sheet of metal and the fabric layered over the top.

These pieces had also had rusted objects layered over the top
 to create this effect


Sunday 1 March 2015

Project 2- Glove Making


Felt gloves - Practising the form and structure
Practising different techniques within leather
Creating forms and structures to visualise
how it would look wrapped around the body
Inspiration for ideas for my gloves

Sunday 1 February 2015

Project 1- Porcelain stones

My inspiration for agate semi precious stones was the main reason for this particular project. I wanted to capture the beauty of the layers within the stones through a material I was soon to discover and experiment. At the beginning i was finding it difficult to choose the right material to envisage the preciousness and delicate nature. 

Through exhaustive research and experimentation, I found that if I used porcelain incapsulating coloured grogg and glass frit within it, I can visualise the layers through the technique of grinding.  When the porcelain has been fired, I can then grind until coloured flecks and glass frit appears, contrasting with the crisp whiteness of the porcelain. This creates layers of colour, pattern and uniqueness to each indivially piece. 

Porcelain fired and grinded

 I also experimented with metal, to bezel around circular porcelain pieces